Ans: To create and format a new partition (volume) Right-click an unallocated region on your hard disk, and then select New Simple Volume. In the New Simple Volume Wizard, select Next. Enter the size of the volume you want to create in megabytes (MB) or accept the maximum default size, and then select Next.
Program to display greater number:
#include <iostream> <em>// Needed to perform IO operations </em>
#include<conio.h> <em> // header file</em>
using namespace std;
int main() //start of the program
int a , b =0; //initialising the two integer variable
cout<< "Enter first number"<<endl;
cin >> a; //user's first number
cout<< "Enter second number"<<endl;
cin >> b; //user's second number
if (a>b) //comparing the two integers input by user
cout<< a << "is greater than" << b; //display the greater number
cout<< b << "is greater than" << a;
return 0; // exist
REad from slide and speak clearly and slowy.
I just need points because I’m failing thank you !!
You go to the launcher, then find Photo Booth. Photo Booth allows you to take photos. You can only take photos on the side where the screen is, since there isn't a camera on the back. I recommend taking a picture with a phone instead. For a screenshot, press command-shift-3.
Hope this helps!