The main difference between the salary and hourly calculator is that the salary calculator is paid to an employee on the basis of an annual amount that is known as salary and hourly calculator is based on the hourly payment. This is the basic difference between the salary and hourly calculator. For a salaried employee, the number of hours worked in a month can vary without affecting the total salary fixed. In case of hourly calculated payment, the number of hours worked has a direct impact on the payment received. If the number of hours worked is less then the hourly calculated payment will also be less.
build brand loyalty
Based on the scenario being described within the question it can be said that the Cory's final goal in this scenario is to build brand loyalty. This term refers to when customers decide to purchase a brand's product over other competitor's products due to them having had great purchasing experiences with that company.
Actually I got mixed up, the answer i meant to write was B.
Here are the four major needs:
Answer: $22000
The amount of Superior's dividend declarations during its recent year of operation will be calculated thus:
Ending retained earnings ($91000) = Beginning retained earnings ($75000) + Net income ($38000) - Dividend declared
$91000 = $113000 - Dividend declared
Dividend declared = $113000 - $91000
Dividend declared = $22000
Therefore, Superior's dividend declarations during its recent year of operation is $22000