lst = short_names.split()
print(sorted(lst,reverse = True))
There is not really a key benifit, but it does help with little things.
Computer skills examples
Operating systems
Office suites
Presentation software
Accounting software
A program is a set of ordered operations for a computer to do in computing. The program in the modern computer described by John von Neumann in 1945 has a one-at-a-time series of instructions that the computer follows. Typically, the application is saved in a computer-accessible storage location.
import java.util.Scanner;
public class Solution {
public static void main(String args[]) {
Scanner scan = new Scanner(;
System.out.println("Enter your value");
int value = scan.nextInt();
public static void greaterThanFive(int userInput){
System.out.println(userInput > 5);
The first line import the Scanner which is use to enable to accept user input.
The class is defined as Solution in the next line. The main method is declared in the next line which signify the beginning of the program.
Then, a scanner object is declared called scan in the next line. Then a prompt is display to the user to input a value. The user input is stored in the variable value. The value is then passed to the method greaterThanFive.
The method greaterThanFive is declared and have just one parameter, the userInput. Inside the method, we output if the userInput is greater than 5 using the logical operator (>).
Or maybe not Encryption converts the data in a database to a format that is indecipherable to unauthorized users who attempt to bypass the DBMS.
a. True
b. False