Was able to solve the problem of nomadic invasion by using its new fire Lance to exterminate nomadic calvary
Production of gunpowder to help the military
There was one news boy who had a big scar on his arm from his father bit him. There was a 5 year old boy 4 feet all go to the movies some risk, to make money to support his family there a lot of boys back then who fell asleep on the streets because they really had time to sleep at home during the day.
Scribes were important because the recorded important events
It appears the majority of the state's growth was driven by mining, quarrying, and oil and gas extraction, which grew by 1.5% during the second quarter. Non-durable goods manufacturing and durable goods manufacturing was much softer than earlier in the year and grew by only 0.03% and 0.28% respectively in Louisiana.
The English route taken by Richard I was the longest, they went around the peninsula and through Italy, then set towards Holy Land on their way, they stayed in Chipre and conquered it. The French, lead by Philippe II, went towards Genova by land and then sailed to the Holy Land, their route was shorter and they took less time to get there.