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Abraham Lincoln adressed the American people with a speech that, as a side fact, is one of the most quoted speeches in the history of the U.S.
Over the years scholars have analyzed the speech, and they suggest that Lincoln used extreme care with his words. He wanted to deliver a heartfelt and precise message in moments of extreme national crisis. The magnitude of the battle in Gettysburg stunned the whole nation, and the dedication of a cementery at the site of the Civil War's most pivotal battle was seen as a solemn event, that empathized with the whole nation.
He placed this battle within the larger context of the American history, by making reference 87 years before to it's foundation. Lincoln sought to transform America by making an attempt at redefining liberty and nationalism by fusing the two together. Lincoln forever changed the way we think about the country.
Technology, Lights, and Camaras
Though she is rich, she is hard working.
That rush you get landing in Tilted Towers or pushing the last battle of the match isn't all in your head – but it does start there. Fast-paced games like Fortnite can trigger your brain's fight or flight response. Your body starts releasing hormones, like adrenaline, and your heart starts racing as you get into the match.
Your brain starts working hard, too. Any video game activates the visual-motor system of your brain – the regions that process what you see, and help you respond to it. But Fortnite also stimulates multiple areas of your brain as you combine aiming, strategy and building to win the fight.
All that hard psychological work means that when it pays off – by winning a fight or getting a Victory Royale – you get a big payoff. Specifically, good plays and wins trigger your brain's natural reward system, increasing feel-good hormones like dopamine and, overall, making you feel great.
On top of that, Fortnite is always changing, so there's always something new to explore. And a fast-paced match means the smallest mistake makes the difference between winning and losing – so you want to play another match because you were oh-so-close to victory.