Behavior is determined by multiple factors. My best guess.
Individual cases can be misleading and result in false generalizations.
One of the major limitation of case study research method is that individual cases cannot be generalized to a wider population and some cases are subjective, which can lead to false generalization. Other limitations are:
Case studies cannot be replicated,
There is a potential risk for researcher bias in case studies, in that the researcher's own beliefs can influence the way the data are collected and analysed,
Qualitative data depend to a large extent on people's perceptions and memory. The reliance on memory when reconstructing the case history could be subject to distortion.
a compass shows cardinal directions
How the Agricultural/Industrial Revolution helped Britain:
1. Spike in population.
2. New farming techniques.
3. Improved livestock made more amplified food production.
4. More efficient farming.
Hope this helps!
Belgium, the Netherlands, Czech republic, Austria, Switzerland, Germany-(is the largest one in between)