the rebound effect; thought suppression
The rebound effect: Also known as the rebound phenomenon.
It is defined as the occurrence or re-occurrence of symptoms that were either controlled or absent while being on medication, yet appears again when that particular medication is reduced, or discontinued in dosage.
Suppression In psychology is defined as the act of resisting oneself from feeling or thinking something. It is considered ineffective because even if a person suppresses his or her emotions, such as anger, the same feeling returns with a retaliation. And, this is what is known as the rebound effect.
The same is happening in the case of Cynthia, even if her teacher asks her not to think about the purple unicorns, she couldn't stop herself thinking for the same.
Computers retrieve files just as they were stored, but human memory is constructive.
you mean the wall of china if so it was chinas creation
From the description given in the question it is clear that Maurice’s understanding of the association between his father’s keys opening the lock and his father’s appearance is a form of classical conditioning. Classical conditioning is <em>a learning process that occurred when an organism associates a neutral stimulus with an unconditioned response, due to the presence of an unconditioned stimulus. </em>
It can be said that the sound of the key is the neutral stimulus, and the unconditioned stimulus is Maurice’s father appearance, while the unconditioned response is his happiness at seeing his father. Because Maurice has associated the sound of the key with his father’s appearance, his behavior changed even when the neutral stimulus appears, because he anticipates that the unconditioned response would appear afterwards.