•Variation: Organism shows variation within a population, these variation could be body size, facial marks, hair color, number of offspring, etc. Also some features shows little or no variation, for example the number of eyes a vertebrate have, etc
•Inheritance: Certain traits are always passed from parents to their offsprings, these traits are called HERITABLE TRAITS. But traits that are exhibited as a result of an environment are termed weak heritable traits.
•High rate of population growth: When the number of offsprings produced in a year is greater than the resources within an environment, such population will experience high rate of mortality.
•Differential Survival and reproduction: The ability possessed by an individual to struggle for survival within it's environment will give rise to more offspring in the next generation.
This is a formal system of naming species of living things by giving each a name composed of two parts.
ATP levels would fall at first, decreasing the inhibition of PFK and increasing the rate of ATP production.