Talk to a licensed medical professional or pharmacist for the best over-the-counter product. Read labels. When a products sounds too good to be true, it likely isn't going to deliver all it promises. Do not purchase medicine over the Internet unless you are 200% sure it is manufactured by a reputable pharmaceutical company.
You can help someone with an eating disorder by talking with them and listening to them. Therapy helps, sometimes along with mental hospitals. Understand what an eating disorder is before you try helping someone that suffers with it. Just like someone who suffers with depression or anxiety, you don’t always know what the individual is going through. Something that sounds dramatic or weird to you may be completely normal and everyday issues for someone suffering with any kind of mental disorder. So always try to be open minded and understand when trying to help an individual with an eating disorder or any kind of mental illness. I hope this helps you.
A. Handwashing is part of your hygiene