The correct answer is - covalent bond.
Risk of large scale production:
1. With an increase in production, there can become managerial problems. Workers can become lax, making of decisions become difficult and communication between workers become hard.
2. A large scale operation, needs technical tools like machines. Finance to buy machines can become a problem and hamper growth.
Risk of Genetically modified plants
1. They can become contaminants. The cross pollinated plants and seeds can travel, and contaminate the gene pool. Thereby, threatening future generations of plants.
2. They can produce side effects. Engineered plants, can lead to development of new toxins, carcinogens and deficiencies of nutrition.
Human diploid cells have 23 pairs of chromosomes. Because of independent assortment during meiosis I, there are 223, or 8.4 million possible gametes that may be created even if crossing over didn't occur.
The answer is d) organic chemistry