The type of memory strategy which Micah uses is explicit memory.
Explicit memory is termed as long-term human memory. It affects both behaviours and thoughts. He is thinking about his friend's name.
The most common one is referred to as procedural memory. It allows people to do different tasks with certain awareness.
Implicit memory works together with declarative or explicit memory which is known as intentional recollection of certain information,conscious, concept, and previous experience.
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Out of Africa theory
This theory is supported by modern research that early primate life begun in Africa and later spread to other parts of the world. several prehistoric sites have been unearthed in the East African region which supports these assertions.
In the terminology of classical conditioning, the smell of tequila is now a conditioned stimulus.
The day that Erin drank too much, the tequila was an unconditioned stimulus, producing a natural and unconditioned response, the vomit. Now the tequila has been paired with its smell, and the pure smell became the conditioned response, producing the same reaction as the tequila.
Democratic city-states allowed citizens to vote