World War II was the most violent conflict in world history, resulting in millions of deaths and destruction, especially in Europe and Japan, which was hit by two atomic bombs.
The conflict was divided between two factions: the Axis and the Allies.
The Axis Countries were the stimulators of conflict with their radical doctrines. They reunited the Nazi Germany under the command of Adolf Hitler, the fascist Italy of Benito Mussolini and the Japanese Japanese empire.
The Allied countries met against the Axis countries. These represented basically the same ones that formed the Triple Entente during the First World War. At the helm of this coalition force were the United States, the United Kingdom, and the Soviet Union. Meanwhile, several other countries have also joined the Allied forces, among which we can mention Australia, France, China, Brazil, among others, each with a mission. In this case, Australia, France and England were forces that supported the US to attack Japan.