Once they embarked, settlers faced numerous challenges: oxen dying of thirst, overloaded wagons, and dysentery, among others. Trails were poorly marked and hard to follow, and travelers often lost their way. Guidebooks attempted to advise travelers, but they were often unreliable.
The major developments in transportation were that overland transportation was improved by the creation of the National Road, the speed of water transportation was improved by the steamboat that made it easier to travel against the current, new canals provided efficient water transportation that linked farms to expanding cities, and railroads were built which cost less to build, could scale hills easier, moved faster than ships, and carried more weight.
This let people travel further distances for work. Leading to more towns staying stable as if people lived in one location they could take the rivers or railroad to get to the work camps and such. As prior to these developments people had to move where work was located this wasn’t required anymore. As well as this gave thousands of jobs and let jobs be more stable.
1 The Torah -included Law of Moses and traditions
2 Stephen -deacon and first known Christian martyr
3 maccabees -family that won Jewish independence
4 Malachi - lived during Persian Empire
5 Alexander -ruler of Grecian Empire
6 Antiochus Epiphanes - Syrian ruler who persecuted the Jews
7 Philip - deacon-evangelist who preached in Samaria
8 synoptic -means viewed together
9 polytheistic -means worshiping many gods
10 Septuagint - Greek translation of Old Testament Scriptures
11 Sanhedrin -religious council of Jews