i think it is good that she is not included in that thing, but if she doesn't do anything to help the kid made fun of then, it is wrong.
Some organizations that help develop education in Africa:
-Aid for Africa
-African Education Program
Hope this helps! :)
The myth of Psyche is about a beautiful young woman whom the goddess Aphrodite grew jelous of because the people of the land praised her as the goddess of love. Aphrodite ordered the god Eros (cupid) to shoot psyche with an arrow of love causing her to fall in love with something or someone ugly and dis honnorable to psyche's family. Eros went to pshye to shoot her but accidentally shot himself in the foot when he marvled at her beauty. An oracle told Psyche to go to the top of a cliff dressed to be wed to her new husband, a monster. she goes to the cliff and jumps. she is wisked away to a beautiful castle in the clouds. she meets her husband there. he tells her to never view him while he is sleeping. he is hidden for a reason to protect her. he tells her that he loves her and she believes him. she falls in love with him. one day her husband allows her sisters to visit her. her sisters were always jelous of Psyche they tell her that her husband is a monster who wants to kill her. she let their doubt get to her head. she tried to view her husband while he slept. she viewed his beautiful face and saw that he was the god of love. her candle dripped wax on to his shoulder and woke him up. he left, angry that Psyche betrayed him by doing what he asked her to. he left and fled to Aphrodite who charged the girl with impossible missions. she made Psyche literally go to the underworld to proove her love to Eros. Psyche was tricked by Aphrodite to open up a makeup container that Persephone had her bring to Aphrodite. Psyche let Aphrodite get in to her head. psyche opened the container and unleashed a curse that put her on the brink of death. Eros found the strength to rush to his loves side. he demanded that Zeus make her a goddess. Zeus said yes out of fear of Eros and his powers of love. Psyche became a goddess after slaving away for Aphrodite for months. the story ended happily.
one moral of the story could be dont let others and their insecurities effect you and your decisions
Arguments that appear to be legitimate but are really founded on poor reasoning are known as logical fallacies. They could be the product of unintentional thinking mistakes or purposely employed to deceive others.
Taking logical fallacies at its value might cause to base our conclusions on weak arguments and result in poor decisions. Some of the text relies on the effectiveness of logical fallacies are :
- The Bandwagon Fallacy: Bandwagon fallacies, such as "three out of four individuals think X brand toothpaste cleans teeth best," are something that most of us expect to see in advertising; nonetheless, this fallacy may easily find its way into regular meetings and conversations.
- The Appeal to Authority Fallacy: Having an authoritative person support your claim might be a strong supplement to an existing argument, but it cannot be the main tenet of your case. Something is not always real just because a powerful person thinks it to be true.
- The False Dilemma Fallacy: The false dilemma fallacy claims that there are only two possible endings, which are mutually incompatible, rather than understanding that most (if not all) topics may be conceived of on a spectrum of options and perspectives.
- The Hasty Generalization Fallacy: This mistake happens when someone makes broad assumptions based on insufficient data. In other words, they ignore plausible counterarguments and make assumptions about the truth of a claim that has some, but insufficient, supporting evidence.
- The Slothful Induction Fallacy: This fallacy happens when there is enough logical evidence to conclude something is true, but someone refuses to admit it, instead attributing the result to coincidence or something completely unrelated.
- The Correlation Fallacy: If two things seem to be linked, it doesn't always follow that one of them caused the other indisputablelly. Even while it can seem like a straightforward fallacy to recognise, it can be difficult to do so in actual practise, especially if you truly want to uncover a link between two pieces of information to support your claim.
To learn more logical fallacies refer
Assessment centers are central locations that can be used by organizations to test the knowledge of potential employees. The answer to the claim above about assessment centers is
Assessment centers are reserved spaces where individuals can be tested on their knowledge. These centers can be used by exam bodies and organizations. Invigilators are assigned to moderate the exams.
Even though this channel has some problems associated with its use, like its expensive nature and issues with logistics, it remains a helpful way to conduct tests and interviews because it allows for exam conditions.
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