The pdca cycle is a powerful approach for problem solving as it provides the foundation for teams to figure out ways to change and implement new ideas within their group setting and project or business. The PDCA stands for plan-do-check-act. In the planning stage your team will plan by determining what the problem is and what ways to fix it. In the do stage, your team will act on the ways you can solve the problem. In the check stage you are looking to check your work and see what worked and what needs to be changed. The final stage is the act stage which if you find solutions that work, implement them moving forward.
<span>Often times in youth ministry I am prevented from doing the best at my job because there are policies in place or things that have just 'always been done that way' which are held priority over people. Having to completely adhere to these policies, rules and 'traditions' often prevent me from doing proper work and establishing 'no-strings-attached' relationships with youth to really make an impact in their lives.</span>
When actual revenue <u>exceeds</u> what the revenue should have been, the variance is labelled favourable.
Hope that helps!
Feedback control
Feedback control system is used by managers to guage how effectively their employees meet up with target output at the end of the production process.
It compares the output produced to the target output that was set for the employee. There is little consideration for how much the workload is.
In this scenario the manager assigns extra work every time an editor fails to fix errors in the article they are working on.
His main concern is the output of the editors. So when they fail to complete a task he gives them more in order to gain the target output from them
Days of receivable will be 75 days
We have given net credit sales = $1200000
Net account receivable at the beginning = $290000
And receivable at the ending = $201000
Average receivable 
Now receivables turnover ratio 
Days of receivables =