Climate change, contrary to popular belief, is not only global warming. Yes, the Earth is becoming warmer than it has ever been, but places like Texas are experiencing colder weather during the winter as well. This winter, Texas got hit with a giant snowstorm and Texans didn't know how to respond, since most natives have never even seen snow before. If climate change continues, animals and plants that thrive in warmer climates may be driven out of their habitats, and some may even go extinct. With global warming, we may also see the oceans begin to see an increase in temperature, which may begin to affect animals living in our oceans. Also, our polar ice caps are also beginning to melt, which is driving polar bears and penguins out of their habitats and may even lead to extinction of both species. If we don't begin to prioritize climate change, animals and plants may begin to disappear.
This led to
explaination- it’s the only answer choice stating that one thing led to another
C is the answer your looking for
The action that completenes the graphic organizer is the following: Polyneices rebels against Thebes. Option A is correct.
In Greek mythology, Polynices was the son of Oedipus and Jocasta and the younger brother of Eteocles. When his father, Oedipus, was discovered to have killed his father and married his mother, he was expelled from Thebes, leaving his sons Eteocles and Polynices to rule. As a result of a curse put on them by their father Oedipus, the two sons did not share the rule peacefully and died as a result, killing each other in battle for control over Thebes.