MERCOSUR is an abbreviation of "Mercado Comun del Sur": common market of the South America: most of the eastern South American coutries are members of this common market.
It's a trade block of countries in South America which promotes free trade and free movement of people.
Foreclosure Identity formation
Foreclosure Identity formation describes when individuals believe that they know who they are and what they want without exploring other options at their disposal.
Take for example Shannon had the options of worshiping in other churches asides Catholic. But she chooses to identify as a Catholic and become Catholic after attending just one mass.
Shannon could have even embraced Islam if she accompanied a Muslim friend to pray in a mosque. In summary, Shannon had many options to choose regarding religion but she settled for Catholicism.
Polythiesm is the belief of more than One god
Ideology is an important factor in determining how people make decisions. In order to make good decisions, you have to have an open mind to all of the potential solutions for the issue under consideration.
Based on a composite of about ten different definitions that I could find, ideology can best be described in one sentence as a set of opinions, beliefs, theories, or principles (usually political or religious in nature) held by an individual, group, or society that explains and lends legitimacy to their actions in their own minds.
However, ideology is much more complicated than this. And ideology has nothing to do with intelligence. It is more like a set of glasses through which we view the world. And being nonideological is somewhat different than being pragmatic, which means dealing with issues practically or realistically, although some amount of pragmatism certainly goes into making good decisions.