The answer to this question can be quite subjective. Some people will say that the telephone is the most important invention, or the automobile, or the plane, but for me personally, I'd choose antibiotics.
It is a modern-day invention (as opposed to the Middle Ages, for example) which changed our lives for the better. Before penicillin was discovered in the 1920s by Alexander Fleming, people were constantly dying because of most harmless diseases. But after antibiotics were invented, people were given a chance to recover from their illnesses much more easily.
Answer: marshes, lagoons, mud flats, reed banks, river
It will be the federalists
Brazil - There are 26 states in Brazil with one federal district. The monarchy fell in 1889 and Federalism was established in 1891. Canada - Established in 1867, its government is considered Federalism because of the division of powers between the federal parliament and the provinces.