B : along with them not being able to vote most could not find jobs any were and would have to move to the north to work the factories
When you know what it is you have to do then you can it can
benefit your community tremendously.
When you take responsibility and face up to what has to be done it
lessens the burdens that a community has to resolve. When you accept responsibility for mistakes
you make it alleviates any factor that can cause conflict within the
community. Facing up to and accepting responsibility
are signs of a tight-knitted community and that is an effective community.
A became slaves I am 90 percent sure
Before things like mountains were typically boundaries since they were a pain in the butt to cross. But with modern planes, and depending on the mountian, cars, mountains aren't as big a pain anymore. Deserts might have also been a boundary before. Today you turn on the AC and drive straight across it. At least for technologically advanced western countries, there really isn't any geographic feature we can't easily get around.
Columbus' explorations of the New World led to the spreading of diseases to the Americas which killed thousands of Native Americans, his efforts led to the enslavement and oppression of Native Americans through colonization, and ultimately led to the subjugation of the Native American peoples to European powers for centuries to come.