electronic processing device
<span>These kinds of systems are usually installed in the cockpits of aircrafts. It is an electronic computer-controlled display system. It is made up of several kinds of systems constituting the whole. The purpose of such a kind of display is to increase and widen the field of vision and decrease any kind of visual disturbances from the surroundings. The Flight Data Display another constituent of the system constantly updates the pilots with the status of and data related to the flight. This also includes information about the aircraft itself and navigation information too.</span>
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
int main() {
string in;//string in for taking input...
cout<<"Do you want to continue ?"<<endl;
getline(cin,in);//taking input from the user...
if(in=="y"||in=="Y"||in=="yes"||in=="OK"||in=="Why not?")//conditions..
else if(in=="No")
cout<<"Bad input"<<endl;
return 0;
I have taken a string in.
Then taking input from user.
Checking the conditions using if else if ladder.