The idea of rule of law is that once the laws are made, everyone should follow them, both the citizens of the country and the government of the country. ... This is quite important because it means that the government can't do whatever it wants. It has to follow the rules that have been set.
The phrase invisible hand was introduced by Adam Smith in his book 'The Wealth of Nations'. He assumed that an economy can work well in a free market scenario where everyone will work for his/her own interest.
The Whig party was a party active in the US in the 19th century, which was similar to today's Republican party, and in fact the Republican party was partially created by the members of the Whig party. It's ideology was Liberalism and Protectionims (limiting trade with other countries).
experiments with Darwin’s original hypotheses
Charles Darwin is known for his theory of evolution which stated that species change over time as a result of the natural selection and all the species have descended from a common ancestor.
Mendel published his results in 1865 which termed the heredity material as factors but both of them were unknown with the concept of the gene.
Later experiments showed that evolution is correlated with genes or the genes control the evolution by causing mutation in the DNA. These experiments are the ones which were performed to test the original hypothesis of Darwin.