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In acid-fast staining, carbon fuchsin is used as a primary stain which dissolves the mycolic acid present in the cell wall of <em>Mycobacterium smegmatis </em>and penetrates through it which results in staining <em>Mycobacterium</em> red.
Staphylococcus aureus cell wall does not contain mycolic acid so carbon fuchsin does not penetrate its cell wall, therefore, it becomes colorless after destaining with acid alcohol.
After destaining step methylene blue is added to stain non-acid-fast bacteria blue. So if I mistakenly forgot to use methylene blue during the procedure <em>Mycobacterium smegmatis</em> will appear red due to carbon fuchsin present in their cell wall and S<em>taphylococcus aureus</em> will appear colorless because it is destained.
B) Photosynthesis The Sun is the ultimate source of all energy in the universe. Plants being the main primary producers or autotrophs, use solar energy to make their own food through photosynthesis, thus converting energy into the organic matter that can be consumed by all organisms. They form the basis of almost all food chains from where consumers derive their food.