In health and social care, as a practicioner you're usually required to not disclose any information about your client openly to other people.
The only exemption here is when doing an super- or intervision with your peers, here you can "breach" this confidentiality with obviously still presenting this person as an anonymous case.
Another exemption is when you're given information that revolves around possible hurting other people or self-hurting coming from the client itself.
1. Futures contract; D
2. Equities; C
3. Savings; I
4. Bond; A
5. Secondary market; J
6. Capital market; B
7. Risk; H
8. <span>Portfolio diversification; F</span>
9. Primary market; G
10. Financial system; E
Hope this helped ☺
Psychobiology is the science that focuses on studying the psychology of individuals based on their biological functions. In other words it deals with the interactions between biology (neurological system, neurotransmitters) and their effects on the individual behavior.
Therefore, an individual working in psychobiology might study the effects of drugs (biological) or try to explain behavior based on chemical activities in the nervous system (explaining behavior based on biology)