Answer: the bloodtype of Jesse is A Rhesus D positive
Antigens at present on the blood cells while antibodies are present in the serum. Thus, to prevent agglutination which occurs if the red blood cell antigen is similar to the antibody, the red blood cell of Jesse which has the B antigen will have the A antibodies produced. Thus, since the red blood cell determines the bloodtype of a person, Jesse therefore has the B bloodtype.
The instrument of choice would be the the clam shell sampler, which is also know as a grab sampler. Another instrument they use is the piston corer which is an open tube on a cable that gets dropped from a ship.
The most common type of E. coli infection that causes illness in people is called E. coli O157, which produces a toxin known as Shiga-toxin. Shiga-toxin producing E. coli is abbreviated as STEC. Symptoms of infection with this germ include watery or bloody diarrhea, fever, abdominal cramps, nausea, and vomiting.
Some other germs don’t cause as many illnesses, but when they do, the illnesses are more likely to lead to hospitalization. Those germs include: Anyone can get sick from eating contaminated food. Follow four simple food safety steps —clean, separate, cook, and chill—to lower your chance of food poisoning and to protect yourself and your loved ones.