<span>It will result in Negative frequency-dependent selection.
</span> Frequency-dependent selection is when the fitness of a phenotype depends on the frequency of the other phenotype in the population. In this case is negative frequency-dependent selection, because the fitness of a phenotype(pink) decreases as it becomes more common.
In Hershey -Chase experiment , they proved the physical carrier of inheritance is nucleic acids not proteins.
Hershey- Chase <em>has proved genetic material is DNA. They experimented on Bacteriophage which are made of proteins and DNA. For this experiment they used radioactive isotopes of element. Phosphorous-32 was used to label the DNA and sulfur -35 was used to label amino acids in proteins.</em>
They found in experiment shortly after attacking on bacteria phage adhere on the surface, <u>inserts its DNA into the host , leaving its protein coat outside</u>. As they did not find any trace of sulfur-35 in the test medium.
after entering host body phage DNA multiplied in several copies. And after that they packed and assembled in protein coat.
After this experiment they concluded that DNA is the physical carrier of inheritance.
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