Earthworms have two muscles which is used in locomotion. Both muscles are circular and longitudinal (inner layer of the series of muscles). The diameter of the earthworms body is reduced when the circular muscles are contracted which makes them appear to be thin. The worm appears short when the longitudinal muscles contract thus, its length is reduced.
Amphioxus on the other hand, have two unique muscle fiber types. This includes deep fibers and smaller but mitochondria-rich superficial fibers. E<span>ach of which has its own innervation.</span>
A. Yes, because an amino acid change has occurred.
The sequence given states that the codon CCG is changed to CAG. According to the codon table (attached), CCG codes for <u>proline</u> whereas CAG codes for <u>Glutamine</u>. Therefore, change in mutation has resulted into the change in amino acid. This would lead to the formation of a different protein.
The hydrosphere refers to the water on the earth crust. If there were no hydrosphere, we would not have lakes, oceans, rivers, or even a hose full of water.
Answer: 2-3
A biological neural network or neural circuit is a set of ordered synaptic connections that occur as a result of the binding of neurons to others in their corresponding regions following neural migration. At birth, a baby has an average of 100 billion neurons, but few neural connections. These will multiply as the child grows, through environmental, sensory, cognitive and movement stimulation. <u>Stimulating mobility and physical activity also has a positive effect on cognitive functioning by modifying the activity of certain brain areas</u>. Physical exercise has beneficial effects on brain function, such as promoting neuroplasticity and increasing learning and memory performance, which may be due to increased expression of various neural growth factors.
<u>Finally, environmental stimulation is basic for harmonious brain development and for laying the neurophysiological foundations of our children's future brains. </u>Thus, there are many mechanisms that nature has at its disposal to prevent babies from being left helpless. All of them favour their relationship with adults and thus their neurons, at a time of maximum growth of their extensions, can form the brain circuits that allow the acquisitions that make them advance in their neurodevelopment. If babies do not receive from their adults sufficient affection and attention, brain growth will be much less and their neurodevelopment will inevitably be delayed, because what makes the brain grow and change is precisely the creation of new circuits as it learns new things, and those who can learn most are the most experienced. By aboyt 2-3 months is when circuits of the brain begin to be created.
Dr. Stott's belief about that the 9-year-olds will advance in knowledge based on instructions is based on the theory of cognitive development, proposed by Lev Vygotsky.
Theory of cognitive development -also called the socio-cultural theory of cognition- was put forward by the Russian-Jewish psychologist Lev Vygotsky, in which he expresses the influence of the socio-cultural environment on the learning process.
<u>For Vygotsky, children possess innate basic skills, such as attention, sensation, memory and perception, which develop over time</u>.
The process of cognitive development implies that the development of each child's basic skills requires the guidance of an adult, since -although there are skills that he does not understand or has not developed- he can learn them with the appropriate guidance and instructions.