Explain what is meant by a limited data set and how this HIPAA rule may affect medical assistants
Answer: what do you need help with?
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# Program is written in Python programming language
conditioner_in_ml = 0
width = float(input("Enter width in inches: "))
height = float(input("Enter height in inches: "))
length = float (input("Enter length in inches: "))
#Calculate the volume
volume = width * length * height
#Calculate the amount of conditioner per 100 #cubic inches of volume
conditioner_in_ml = volume/ 100
print("The amount of conditioner required for $volume cubic inches is $conditioner_in_ml ml")
This is a program that go to various website to read their pages and content provided in order to form entries for a search engine index.All search engines have this program called spider or a bot. It acts as an automated script that browses through the internet to scan the web pages and find words contained in the pages and where the words are used.