In the mother board of the back door next to the restroom 5 steps left
Sorry I don’t know the answer I am really sorry
A pre-programmed function is a section of code which is reusable to perform certain routine. One benefit of using a pre-programmed function to analyze data is the code redundancy can be reduced. The function is only written for once and it can be called to perform a specific data analysis whenever it is needed.
Besides, a pre-programmed function also offer consistent analytical output as all data are processed by a same analytical procedure in the function.
The number of invoices for each vendor that have a larger balance due than the average balance due for all invoices.
This part of the code below
WHERE InvoiceTotal - PaymentTotal - CreditTotal >
(SELECT AVG (InvoiceTotal - PaymentTotal- CreditTotal)
FROM Invoices)
gives the condition to pick the invoices with balance that are greater than the average balance for all invoice.
This part of the code below
GROUP BY VendorName
then enables the program to group the result of the above condition by VendorName and sort the resulting rows in the order of BalanceDue. You will therefore, obtain for each row in the NumberOfInvoices column, the number of invoices for each vendor that have a larger balance due than the average balance due for all invoices.
Hypertext Markup Language, a standardized system for tagging text files to achieve font, colour, graphic, and hyperlink effects on World Wide Web pages.
this information was taken from google