Because many of the organells in the different cells tend to give the cells their shape including the cytoplasm.
A control group is needed to carry out the experiment, that control group is the one that is not injected with anything. Ethanol and pesticide need to be injected into separated groups to document whether it is one or the other that is harmful
Answer: If you break the two terms down, "intraspecific" just means within a species, while "interspecific" means between them. Consequently, interspecific competition is all about competition between two or more species, while intraspecific competition involves different individuals of the same species.
Great question
Because since their ancestors came before them then they inherit certain beneficial traits that help them survive. Those traits are in the DNA and the animals are evolving to be more fit for the environment that they are in. (hope this helps)
individuals do not evolve, as each individual's genes do not change, and evolution is defined as the change in allele frequencies over time.