The answer to this question is given below in the explanation section.
#include <iostream>
// it is preprocessor director that manipulate the input output in the program
using namespace std;// it is used to format input and output
int main() {
// main function is started
int x = 5;
// variable x is declared and initialized with value 5.
int y = 6;
//variable y is declared and initialized with value 6.
int z = 34; //variable z is declared and initialized with value 34.
int total = (x+(x + y)*z+y);
// variable total is declared and initialized with value of x,y,and z. and calculation performed on these value such as (5+(5+6)*34+6) that is equal to 385.
cout << total;
// print the value of total variable that is 385
return 0;
2.5 = float
'2.5' = str
3 = int
The data type: "float" is used for positive or negative decimals.
The data type: "str" is used for a sequence of letters, numbers, or symbols. Since the decimal used apostrophes, this means it's a character literal.
The data type: "int" is used for any positive or negative whole number.
Aerodynamic- Wind turbine, computational fluid dynamics, and Wind power
Hydrodynamics- Computational Fluid Dynamics, Hydraulics, and Microfluidics