sedimentary rocks
can be dated using radioactive carbon, but because carbon decays relatively quickly, this only works for rocks younger than about 50 thousand years. So in order to date most older fossils, scientists look for layers of igneous rock or volcanic ash above and below the fossil.
Decomposers break down the remains of dead plants and animals and take the nutrients and energy and give it back to the earth when they die.
<span>The biggest difference between photosynthesis and respiration is that photosynthesis only occurs in plants and some bacteria while respiration occurs in all living organisms. They do share one big similarity and that is that the process of photosynthesis is actually the same process only it is completed in reverse.</span>
The color of a star is primarily determined by its surface temperature.
For example, the really hot stars, called White Dwarf stars, have a white surface temperature, while a cooler star would have a more red color.