To change a decimal to a fraction you need to first place the decimal over 1. Next, for each number behind the decimal, you will multiply by a multiple of 10. Since there are 2 numbers behind the decimal, it's 100. Therefore,
92.96 x 100 = 9296
1 x 100= 100
Your new fraction is 9296/100. Now we simplify it. I'm going by 2's so it may take a bit.
Simplifying it twice by 2's your answer would be:
Step-by-step explanation:
To start, we know that the initial boiling point is 212 degrees F. For every 1 added to E, the boiling point decreases by 2. So, we havethe equation 212 - 2E or -2E + 212 = b or D).
12+40= 52
Step-by-step explanation:
Angles in a triangle add up to 180
so if two sides are given , they must be added and subtracted from 180.
which gives us 180-52=128
The answer should be 10 I think, because if u multiply 250 * 4% u get 10.
Hope I'm right.