In general when they need to get done with their basic requirements or their needs they fight for that if the authority didn't respond proply..
sequence like salary incresment.
then the Labour union strikes to win their requirement.
The controversy among Genie's team of doctors and researchers is "based on how well to cater for Genie and how best to measure her responses to the treatment."
This is evident in the fact that many researchers and doctors wanted to examine Genie for various reasons.
Genie is a feral child whose case was popular in the 1970s when she broke free from isolation.
Some doctors and researchers seek to understand the psychological and psychiatric effects Genie has suffered.
Some believe she's used as a human guinea pig or lab rat.
Others believe her situation cannot be redeemed, given that her condition is difficult to evaluate.
Some researchers concluded that Genie's situation was just exploited for professional and financial gains.
Hence, in this case, it is concluded that Genie's situation is a delicate situation that made many doctors and researchers disagree on many practices.
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Answer: B
Members of Congress in both houses are elected by direct popular vote.
Sunlight interacting with the Earth's atmosphere makes the sky blue. In outer space the astronauts see blackness because outer space has no atmosphere.
<span>Sunlight consists of light waves of varying wavelengths, each of which is seen as a different color. The minute particles of matter and molecules of air in the atmosphere intercept and scatter the white light of the sun. A larger portion of the blue color in white light is scattered, more so than any other color because the blue wavelengths are the shortest. </span><span>When the size of atmospheric particles are smaller than the wavelengths of the colors, selective scattering occurs-the particles only scatter one color and the atmosphere will appear to be that color. Blue wavelengths especially are affected, bouncing off the air particles to become visible.</span><span>This is why the sun looks yellow from Earth (yellow equals white minus blue). In space, the sun appears white because there is nothing in between to scatter its white light. </span><span>At sunset, the sky changes color because as the sun drops to the horizon, sunlight has more atmosphere to pass through and loses more of its blue wavelengths. The orange and red, having the longer wavelengths and making up more of sunlight at this distance, are most likely to be scattered by the air particles. </span><span>The scattering of visible light by atmospheric gases is most correctly called the </span>Tyndall effect<span>, but it is more commonly known to physicists as </span>Rayleigh scattering<span> after Lord Rayleigh, who studied it in more detail a few years later. Rayleigh Scattering is where red, orange, yellow, and green are passed through and blue, indigo, and violet are "scattered" out creating the color.</span><span>Whichever direction you look, some of this scattered blue light reaches you. Since you see the blue light from everywhere overhead, the sky looks blue. </span>