Otras características de la república son: igualdad ante la ley de todos los ciudadanos; los gobernantes son responsables ante el pueblo que los eligió, por sus actos de gobierno; y la publicidad de dichos actos, que no debe ser secreta, sino darse a conocer al público para ser controlados.
He was originally negotiating with for access to the mouth of the Mississippi River in New Orleans. France was low on money at the time, and in need of a lot of money to fund more of Napoleon's battles - so France offered their ENTIRE Louisiana Territory instead of just New Orleans for only three cents an acre
The Powhatan Confederacy was a group of Native American tribes during the 17th century that settled in Virginia. Learn about how they rose in power under Powhatan, how they reacted to English colonists at Jamestown, and how they ended up in decline.
artifacts and features to learn how people lived in specific times and places.