Answer:Congress, or the central government, was made up of delegates chosen by the states and could conduct foreign affairs, make treaties, declare war, maintain an army and a navy, coin money, and establish post offices. However, measures passed by Congress had to be approved by nine of the 13 states.
Congress was limited in its powers. It could not raise money by collecting taxes and had no control over foreign commerce; it could pass laws but could not force the states to comply with them. The Government was dependent on the cooperation of the various states to carry out its measures.
The articles were nearly impossible to change, so problems could not be corrected.
The liturgical year, also known as the church year or Christian year, as well as the calendar, consists of the cycle of liturgical seasons in Christian churches that determines when feast days, including celebrations of saints, are to be observed, and which portions of Scripture are to be read either in an annual cycle or in a cycle of several years.
Liturgical cycle :
The liturgical cycle divides the year into a series of seasons, each with their own mood, theological emphases, and modes of prayer, which can be signified by different ways of decorating churches, colours of paraments and vestments for clergy, scriptural readings, themes for preaching and even different traditions and practices often observed personally or in the home. In churches that follow the liturgical year, the scripture passages for each Sunday (and even each day of the year in some traditions) are specified in a lectionary. After the Protestant Reformation, Anglicans and Lutherans continued to follow the lectionary of the Roman Rite. Following a decision of the Second Vatican Council, the Catholic Church revised that lectionary in 1969, adopting a three-year cycle of readings for Sundays and a two-year cycle for weekdays.
It has congress & the senate in it together to pass laws. Like, a bill comes from congress and congess then passes it on to the senate. The senate could deny the bill if the less majority rules in the senete, it is gone if more than it goes on to the president which is the exective branch he can veto (reject) the bill or it could turn into a law. I hope this helps XD.
it's the top one because they pushed them out and they never got a key