The theme of the oval portrait is Fatal love, the wife in the story loves an artist but he loves his art. so by the time he was done it happened that she had died by his side.
It's short and sweet. I hope you get to go!
Dear, (insert principle's name here)
I would feel so honored if I could have to opportunity to go to Ilam for four whole days. I honestly do feel like it would be a great stepping stone in my education. I'll be completely responsible, respectful, and safe if I do get to go. This would be a amazing experience for me so I can get a basic knowledge on the outside world and get to know some of the historical buildings, or landmarks around the city! I would be extremely grateful for this opportunity if you allow me to go. Thank you for taking your time out if your day to read this. Have a great rest of you day.
Sincerely, (Insert your name here.)
In simple words, Season's "first green" flowers are connected to golden, earth's most valuable metal, instantly cementing gold as a metaphor of anything that is new, young, and lovely.
The following line, "Her hardest hue to hold," indicates that maintaining the innocent of the initial greens is the most difficult things to accomplish and he adds, "Her first leaf's a blossom / only so an evening." This is the third time he uses an analogy, suggesting that a blade is a bloom (and green is gold).
A low firm tone not to high not to low
She is creating a metaphor to convey the idea that love is hard won.