The answer is D. Intradermal. This preparation is administer by percutaneous route which means the application of certain medication to the skin for absorption. The drug mechanism of this is localized which means only specific to the affected site thus reducing the incidence of having a systemic adverse effects.
Random. Hope this helps:)
Hemoglobin is a protein in red blood cells that carries oxygen through out the body. Are you asking if low hemoglobin could cause swollen legs?
There are benefits for doing virtual school. For example, students are able to have a more flexible schedule. Instead of having to spend all morning getting ready and travelling to their school, they can instead sleep more, or use that extra time to catch up on work. Passing periods can be used to actually tend to the students need, instead of focusing on getting to the next class. Of course, another benefit of virtual school is safety due to the ongoing pandemic.
Of course, there are disadvantages when it comes to virtual schooling as well. Students are typically sitting down for their classes, and if they're confined to their chairs for however long the school hours may be, it could be really unhealthy. Students may also be distracted, as they are in their own home. They can get sidetracked and procrastinate, making them not listen to the lessons at all. Some may abuse the system and skip out on assignments as well.
They are able to retain more information than simple paper files and they are easily accessible for multiple people at once in different areas of the world. They help patients move hospitals/areas if necessary with all medical information following them.