Resident microflora b. may be responsible for opportunistic infections in immunocompromised
It is almost impossible to found these microorganisms in the stomach because of the acidic conditions, most of them are not adapted to this type of environment. Resident microflora is not transient, is actually permanent. However, resident microflora may be responsible for ooportunistic infections in immunocompromised and they can also increase the intensity of the disease produced by that pathogen.
No 6 is common for N and H. 3 is only for H(Hydrogen).
For finding the number of hydrogen atoms we should multiply 6 with 3
So, 6*3 = 18. So there will be 18 hydrogen atoms in 6NH₃
The amount of DNA present in the system of an organism that does not necessarily relate to how complex that certain organism is. There are single-celled microorganism with very few amount of DNA but are very complex with respect to arrangement of certain amino acid component of the DNA strands.
Célula procariota y procariotas.
La célula procariota es un tipo de célula que apareció por primera vez en la Tierra hace unos mil millones de años. Estos tipos de células están presentes en los procariotas, lo que significa que estos organismos no tienen un núcleo verdadero o una membrana nuclear alrededor del núcleo y otros orgánulos de la célula. El ADN del organismo procariótico se encuentra en una parte central de la célula que se conoce como nucleoide. La pared celular de un procariota actúa como una capa adicional de protección, ayuda a mantener la forma y estructura celular y previene la deshidratación.