1. the primary mechanism to maintain homeostasis is negative feedback.
2. When exposed to hot conditions, sweating is one of the primary methods your body uses to control its temperature.
3. Sweat, as it evaporates, helps cool the skin. Blood vessels feeding the skin also dilate, which allows warm blood to flow to the skin surface. This helps remove heat from the body core.
4. Bacteria can also disrupt homeostasis in your body, and can make you sick.
5. In response to infection, your immune system springs into action.
Feudalism was the leading way of political and economic life in the Medieval era. Monarchs, like kings and queens, maintained control and power by the support of other powerful people called lords. Lords were always men who owned extravagant homes, called manors, and estates in the country
The correct answer choice for the question: The popliteal pulse point is found on the anterior surface of the elbow, would be, A: true.
The popliteal pulse is the passage point of the brachial artery and it is in fact always found on the anterior surface of the elbow, medial to the tendons of the biceps. This major artery, the brachial artery, is the main vessel for the upper arms and it comes out of the axillary artery. As it tranverses down the upper arms, it reaches the cubital fossa of the elbow, where it divides into the radial and the ulnar arteries. When measuring blood pressure, it is usually this artery that is sought out and its sounds can be heard with a sthetoscope, and when using a sphygmomanometer, or blood presure cuff.
The other possibility is dementia, but alzheimer's would be discussed first
- decreased salt-cured, char broiled, pickled and smoked foods
- eat more fruits and vegetables
- increase fiber intake