It is true that a case study allows a more detailed look at the life of a single subject than any other study.
Answer: Option A
Case Study is a detailed study of a particular subject which can be anything like an individual person or a group or a situation that has occurred at a particular period of time.
This study is a study of almost all the aspects of the subject and an in depth study of the subject of study and also the conditions of the subject is also studied. Normally to study a case study, a method of research is used to collect information of the subject that is to be studied.
Imma take these points owo
It is true that polarity influences coalition and alliance arrangements among great powers.
The following statement is true because that stability holds global concentration of political and economic power through international trade. Polarity means, it is an international relation of any various way of power is distributed within the international system.
Polarity describes the nature of the international system at the given period of time. It has consisted of three types, they are uni polarity, bipolarity and multi polarity, each type as different function.
La respuesta correcta para esta pregunta abierta es la siguiente.
A pesar de que no se anexan opciones o incisos para responder a la pregunta podemos comentar lo siguiente.
Lo que yo creo es que el avance de la tecnología en los televisores contribuye parcialmente al consumo responsable de la energía.
Y lo digo porque en realidad no hay una gran impacto en el ahorro del consumo de energía con los nuevos televisores.
En realidad, el consumo de energía debería recaer en la conciencia de las personas que en lugar de ver la televisión por largas horas, pudieran usar ese tiempo para cosas más creativas como leer, investigar, realizar una actividad física por bien de su salud, una actividad cultural por bien de su mente, o alguna otra actividad constructiva que les deje algo positivo. No la televisión que solo busca entretener o manipular.