Phineas Gage has a rod driven into his skull by accident which resulted in brain injury. The rod was known to pass through and destroyed his frontal lobes.
He would have benefited well if several treatment and plans were given such as psychosocial support after the damage to his cerebrum. He would have also benefited well from vocational rehabilitation intervention. They would have helped a lot on his recovery from the accident.
Southern culture was strongly shaped by religion. Before the American Revolution, the Anglican Church served as the established church throughout the southern colonies. The rise of Protestant evangelicalism in the 1740s posited a fledgling alternative to the Anglican establishment. For evangelicals, the conversion experience was upheld as a universally attainable route to spiritual salvation. It employed highly emotional sermons and liturgies—many of them at large, interdenominational, outdoor camp meetings—to facilitate this conversion experience among believers.
In this scenario, it can be said that based on Gina's observations she should immediately file a report with her principal or counselor since Joey could be suffering from abuse or neglect. If Gina believes this is the case after observing Joey every day then it is her obligation to report it in order for someone with authority to open an investigation, and hopefully help the child.
Explanation:Have patience for can read the book.