In "Flowers for Algernon" by Daniel Keyes, the protagonist Charlie Gordon is a special needs man who agrees to undergo an experiment that is meant to increase his intelligence. The narrative is composed of Charlie's progress reports, which at first reflects his low intelligence through limited vocabulary and incorrect writing. The author's language changes according to Charlie's mental progression; his grammar and spelling improve significantly, and his vocabulary increases.
<span>the imperfection of human relationships</span>
This question needs to be looked from two perspectives.
The first perspective is that of the characters from the book, The Giver, themselves. From their perspective it is possible as we can see from the novel when they almost showed no emotion to the news that Gabe will be released. This is due to the circumstances of the book where everyone is thought to be detached and they do not even understand the concept of love. Only Jonas gets attached to Gabe.
Second is our own perspective and it is nigh impossible for a person not to get attached to a baby for whom it is caring at least a little bit. The emotional attachment develops quickly for almost all of the people. So the contract in the real world probably would not work at all.
Answer: 1
Explanation: The median is just the middle of a dataset, so the median of 67, 70, 70, 72, 78 (sorted from least to greatest) is 70.
if we add 85, and the dataset becomes 67, 70, 70, 72, 78, 85, then the middle is now halfway between 70 and 72, meaning the median is now 71.