Egyptians invented curtains. The first curtains were made of animal hides.
Be at least 18 years old at the time of filing Form N-400, Application for Naturalization.Be a permanent resident (have a “Green Card”) for at least 5 years.Show that you have lived for at least 3 months in the state or USCIS district where you apply.
Holocaust- the mass murder of Jews by German
Nazis during World War II
Genocide- the mass murder of a group of people
based on their race, beliefs, or culture
Anti-Semitism- discrimination and hatred toward Jewish
Ghetto- a part of a city where Jews were
required to live
Some goals include increasing the welfare of people, and creating better environments for future generations.
This is explained by the APA, or the American Planning Association.
Sir John Harrington invented the flushable toilet in 1596, however the idea of a toilet has existed for thousands of years in much more primitive forms.