Contextual perspective considers the relationship between individuals and their physical, cognitive personality, and social words. Contextual perspective is one of the modern psychological perspectives.
Besides the contextual perspective, modern psychology also has other perspectives including:
• The psychodynamic perspective
The psychodynamic perspective is based on Sigmund Freud thought. It is originated from his work which emphasizes the role of the early childhood experiences, interpersonal relationship, and unconscious mind in the relationship between psychology and human behavior to explain human behavior in daily life and to treat people who are suffering from mental health.
• The behavioral perspective
Behavioral perspective is also called behaviorism. This perspective focuses on learned behaviors. Behavioral perspective is different from the other psychological perspectives. Rather than emphasizing internal states, behavioral perspective focuses only on the observable behaviors. The principles of behaviorism are used to explain and treat a variety of mental health condition.
• The cognitive perspective
Cognitive perspective focuses on mental processes such as thinking, memory, language, problem-solving, and decision-making. This perspective is influenced by Albert Bandura and Jean Piaget where nowadays this perspective is growing tremendously. Cognitive perspective often compares the human mind to a computer and conceptualizes how information is processed.
• The biological perspective
Biological perspective focuses and emphasizes the biological and physical bases of behavior. The study of biological perspective might be about how genetics affect different behaviors, how behavior and personality damage to specific areas in the brain, and other focus such as the effects of drugs, brain damage, and disease.
• The cross-cultural perspective
The cross-cultural perspective looks ta human behavior across different cultures. From this perspective, researchers and psychologist learn about the influence of culture on human behavior and thinking.
• The evolutionary perspective
Evolutionary perspective focuses on how evolution affects physiological processes. The basic principle of this study includes natural selection and applies it to psychological phenomena.
• The humanistic perspective
Humanistic perspective is influenced by the work of humanists such as Abraham Maslow and Carl Rogers. Humanistic perspective focuses and emphasizes the role of spirit or motivation in the behavior and thought. Thus, self-actualization, the study about human beings who are driven to change, grow, and develop, becomes an important concept in this perspective.
If you’re interested in learning more about this topic, we recommend you to also take a look at the following questions:
1. Psychological perspectives
2. Personality factors are best described as
KEYWORDS: contextual perspective, psychological perspective,
Subject: Social Studies
Class: 10-12
Sub-chapter: Contextual perspective