I think sustainability means doing the best we can to live the lifestyle we currently have. Students conduct recycling activities and faculty members (professors, etc.) award sustainability projects. and administrators have installed new recycling and trash bins throughout the campus.
Sustainability is a broad social goal that aims to enable people to live safely together on earth for the long term. The specific definition of sustainability is difficult to agree on and changes in the literature and over time.
This concept can be used to guide decisions at global, national, and individual levels (e.g. sustainable living). In everyday use of the word sustainability, it often focuses on environmental aspects.
The major environmental problems since around 2000 are climate change, loss of biodiversity, loss of ecosystem services, soil degradation, air pollution, and water pollution. Humanity is now crossing several "planetary boundaries".
learn more about Sustainability here; brainly.com/question/14154063
The absence of empathy and cooperation ultimately leads to hate in a relationship. For example, when an individual has no empathy for his/her partner they stop cooperating with their partner and begin acting and developing a very self-centered attitude/personality. This leads the partner in the relationship to feel abandoned and not cared about, which tends to develop into resentment and hate. This hate can cause someone to hurt their partner or even themselves in both physical and emotional ways.
It describes the separation of national and state governments.
difference threshold
Darrius is trying to play a trick on his housemate. He wants to add more weight to her backpack before she leaves for school, but he doesn't want her to notice it. He should determine the difference threshold so that he doesn't add enough for her to notice the additional weight.
The Tigris and Euphrates rivers made it possible to grow wheat on the arid Mesopotamian plains, but the dry climate eventually defeated human engineering. Irrigation brought water to fields faster than it could drain out. As salt-rich groundwater rose and surface water evaporated, mineral salts built up in the soils. Farmers switched to more salt-tolerant grains like barley, but the harder they farmed, the less they harvested. After about 2,000 years, the once-fertile land of southern Mesopotamia was barren.