The event that resulted in the creation of NASA would be when the Russian's first launched the Sputnik into space and JFK told America that we will be the first on the moon and that we will not let the Russian's win this race. Which hence why we called it the space race.
Britain was a bad place they just don’t know how hard it can be to be on their own
The Parliament
According to the English Bill of rights is a list of important rights to the citizens of a country. The main purpose being protecting those rights against violation fro public officials or even by the private citizens. The amendments of bills of rights included freedom of speech, religion among other amendments
Stampedes occur mainly because people feel panic. It can be real or imaginary. For example people who are in a place feel an explosion and they start to run. To understand crush dynamics it is good to investigate the psychology of masses and the effect that this has on human behavior.