Juan still lives with his parents, Marta and Jose and with two of his sisters in Phoenix, Arizona. Juan is a second generation Latino while his parents will be first generation thus still retaining the latino cultures. Strong family ties also stem up when families from different generation level live together
Answer: Pets who learn that the sound of an electric can opener signals the arrival of their food illustrate: C.) classical conditioning.
Explanation: These pets have been experiencing Pavlovian Conditioning, this is the conditioning response of associating the (neutral stimulus) sound of the can opener with receiving food (biological stimulus).
Los cambios culturales son modificaciones que se llevan a cabo por medio de la integración e interacción entre un conjunto cultura.
Es por ello que podemos decir, que el Intercambio cultural es la relación entres las tradiciones y costumbres que se generan a través de la comunicación e intercambio de ideas, música, bailes tradicionales.
Esto se lleva a cabo mediante la multiculturalidad que no es más que la conducta cultural que posee cada individuo.
Functionalist psychologists focus on the function of behavior and <span>the operation of the whole mind rather than the individual parts
functionalist psychologist study what affect human's behavior to act the way they act in our everyday routine. It focused on how the society where we live influence our average behavior as a whole</span>