This would be histrionic personality disorder.
People with historionc personality disorder act very dramatically, as though performing before an audience, with exaggerated emotions and expressions, yet appears to lack sincerity. Be overly concerned with physical appearance. Constantly seek reassurance or approval. Be gullible and easily influenced by others.
A woman who works as a teacher's aide for years but eventually becomes superintendent of the school district experiences upward intragenerational social mobility; a woman works as a teacher's aide and eventually becomes superintendent of the school district experiences upward intragenerational mobility.
This involves changes in social position within a person's adult life.
More about intragenerational mobility:
The terms "intragenerational" and "generare" are Latin words that mean "to beget" and "within," respectively. It is an adverb that describes an event that occurs within a generation. For instance, social standing can vary within a person's lifetime due to intragenerational mobility. Ben's socioeconomic status changed intragenerationally from his poor adolescence to his prosperous maturity in the aforementioned scenario.
Upward intragenerational mobility.
Intergenerational mobility, or upward mobility across generations, is widely studied and frequently used as an indicator of a society's openness or fluidity. People frequently experience upward mobility throughout their careers, which is known as intragenerational mobility.
Learn more about intragenerational mobility here:
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it is because our mother is the one giving us what we need and our mother is also the best she take care of me and also show love to
This was the Sphinx's riddle: What goes on four feet in the morning, two feet at noon, and three feet in the evening? (Answer: a person: A person as a baby in the morning of their life crawls on four feet (hands and knees). As an adult in the noon of their life, they walk on two feet.Sep 15, 2016