The correct answer is: __________________________________________________________ [A]: "<span>The kitten played excitedly with the ball of yarn." __________________________________________________________ Note the following: __________________________________________________________ Choice [B]: "</span><span>While I was watching a movie last night, I heard a strange noise outside my window." is INCORRECT. This sentence contains the following subordinate clause: "While I was watching a movie last night" . __________________________________________________________ Choice [C]: "</span>Ben spent the evening playing video games even though he had two tests the next day." is INCORRECT. This sentence contains the following subordinate clause: "even though he had two tests the next day" . __________________________________________________________ Choice [D]: "<span>Michael decided to stay home last night because his mother brought home a stray kitten." is INCORRECT. This sentence contains the following subordinate clause: "because his mother brought home a stray kitten" . __________________________________________________________</span>
The choices are: <span>A) Dee and her mother look and act exactly alike. B) Dee is ashamed of how her mother looks and acts. C) The mother wishes that she looked and acted like Dee. D) Dee is proud of her mother’s capabilities. E) Dee wishes to be exactly like her mother.