Things like unhealthy eating or drinking habits, and exposure to asbestos can harm your health, but it can't cause genetic disorders and diseases. Only DNA mutations can cause them.
Mutations in the DNA sequence can occur during meiosis, or the creation of gametes. The gametes can become defective. For example, extra or excess chromosomes can be produced. If defective gametes fertilize, the offspring can end up with genetic disorders.
Joint Pain or Muscle Weakness
A prescription medication can weaken your bones to cause a bone fracture but it weakens your muscles and causes joint pain depending on what prescription medicine your taking.
Causes of hypocalcemia (calcium deficiency):
- Menopause
- Low levels of vitamin D
- hormonal imbalances (removal/overactivation of parathyroid)
- renal failures
Symptoms of hypocalcemia:
- Memory loss or confusion
- muscle spasms
- numbness/tingling in the extremities (hands, feet, face)
- brittle nails
- more prone to fractures
Well... a "build up in blood vessels" is actually called a CLOT. That should help you. :)